Our Q&A comes from our Insta family (TTC Community) .
See the response we received below:
- It’s okay to not be okay.
- Trust your body. Trust your instincts and push for answers when you aren’t getting the right ones.
- Everything infertility related takes time and most things take twice as long or longer than you think they will.
- Calm the hell down and put the chocolate down.
- Don’t count on positive news but do believe positive news is possible.
- If you don't think you are getting the right answers, it is ok to seek another opinion. A second opinion can even just ensure you are on the right track.
- Dear Future-self, this is going to be a long journey with a lot of disappointments and "not-yets". You are going to do things you never thought you could. You are going to become stronger than you ever could have imagined. You are going to be an advocate for yourself, your spouse and your dreams. Your sink will harden and your heart will soften, however it will all turn out as it is meant to.
- Trust the journey.
- Find and add yourself to Instagram! #ttccommunity
- Dont hold out for so long on your own to become pregnant, its ok to seek help.
- Take control of your journey, including reading forums and do not be afraid to ask for a protocol to try.
- Every body responds differently.
- Trust the process, it is a long journey with lots of bumps along the way.
- No one knows your body like you do. There is power in that.
- Don’t Google, trust your doctor until you’re given a reason not to 👌🏻
- Stay away from Google, it was one of the first things I did when diagnosed with PCOS. It scared me. Sometimes ingnorance is bliss.
- Start finding support early and trust your instincts. If you know something just doesn’t feel right then book that appointment or second opinion. No one knows your body like you do.